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Hi Everybody


Hi Resisting Hate,

Well I think this week was the news we have all been waiting for. Thousands of us reporting Katie Hopkins tirelessly week in, week out and finally Twitter have seen sense and permanently banned her from the platform. That;s 1.1 MILLION people who will no longer be subject to her hateful rhetoric.

Resisting Hate have certainly played our part in this and thank you to every single one of you for the effort you put into reporting our number one target. This is a massive victory in the battle against hate.

But, as ever, there is work to do...

Hopkins is utilising her Instagram account which also needs to be suspended. Please report her here. She's gained about 12k followers since her suspension. 

On Twitter one of the haters we will be focusing on is the man we have often seen called the "Grandad of Hate" David Vance. The tweets Vance puts on the platform break Twitter Terms of Service regularly. However he is very quick to block which is how he gets away with it, so don't engage, just report.

Here are some David Vance tweets for reporting this week:

Report this tweet for violence

Report this tweet for homophobia

Report this tweet for inciting violence

Please don't just limit your reports to these. There are literally hundreds of tweets on this man's timeline that break Twitter rules. Please go through and report as many as you can.

Thank you all so much for #ResistingHate so effectively :)







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