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Hi Everybody

 Hi Resisting Hate,

Good progress with our work on David Vance. Account not down yet but had a lot of hits and he's really concerned it will disappear soon. Please keep reporting the disgusting man >>  David Vance on Twitter

Getting a lot of interesting news on the split in the Tommy Robinson camp. Apparently his fans have split between support for Danny Tommo who promotes violence at events and Shazia Hobbs who doesn't.  Tommo is very much worth reporting on Twitter as is his equally vile pal Avi Yemeni

In other Danny Tommo news it is alleged that he has been making sock accounts of survivor victims to interact with himself and others to try and get some good publicity. We're working on getting the info on this one. We've also been sent a VERY personal video of Mr Tommo but won't be publishing until 100% verified it is him and it has been censored to be appropriate for public social media.

I think it is fair to say that the account we most want to see deplatformed at the moment is Katie Hopkins. The amount of rubbish and hate that woman tweets on a daily basis is astonishing. Here's a selection of tweets that would be guaranteed to bring any other account down...

Antisemitism from Katie Hopkins

Hatred toward South Africa from Katie Hopkins

Hatred toward the Pakistani community by Katie Hopkins

Anti Islam Hate from Katie Hopkins

I know a lot of you find it demoralising that Hopkins has her account but remember this -  we got Tommy deplatformed and we'll get her account suspended too. Hate doesn't win.






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