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Hi Everybody


Hiya Resisting Hate,

Great turn out for antifascists on the streets of London today. Fash numbers estimated at around 500 and plenty of tears on various far right Telegram channels moaning that not enough people turned out to support Tommy Robinson.

The footage of Danny Tommo being challenged by police made particularly good viewing. Here's a link for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.

So as support dwindles for the hapless idiots it is a great chance to review some of the bigger far right accounts and do some targeted mass reporting across key channels.

Here's some of the accounts on Twitter to report:

Danny Tommo

Kevin Carroll

Vinnie Sullivan

Based Amy

Avi Yemeni

Here are some of the pages on Facebook to report:

Yellow Vest Uk

Antifa Public Watch

Vinnie Sullivan

For Britain Media Centre

DFLA West Mids

You will find extremist, racist and hateful content on all of the links. Please do take time to report them all.

Let's deplatform those who seek to divide our country.




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