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Hi Everybody


Hi Resisting Hate,

Well it has been one of those weeks where you just want to run out and buy a milkshake hasn't it...  Good to see the Northern towns showing Tommy Robinson exactly where he can stick his fascism. He's hoping to get enough votes to be elected an MEP so please do your bit to get to the polling booth, get your friends and families to the polling booth and kick hatred right out of politics and into the gutter where it belongs.

This week we've published an addition to our Rogues Gallery - Avi Yemeni - and exposed the kind of scumbags who are following Robinson on his Telegram Channel.

We've also pulled together all the evidence that Tommy Robinson is a Racist which a lot of people are finding handy to post when challenged on social media.

The local elections showed a lot of support for the Remain parties which we find encouraging as Resisting Hate do believe that the Brexit process has been responsible for much of the current division in our country. Rumours suggest Mrs May will put her deal to Parliament again next week so it should be another interesting week in British politics.

Good news on the reporting front, we have had over two hundred suspensions this week on Twitter which is an excellent performance. We also got Yemeni a temporary Twitter ban which will hopefully make him think twice about the rubbish he posts! We also got English Karma down :)

This week in addition to all the many accounts you are all reporting and confirming your successes with please also report the following:

Danny Tommo - PLENTY of stuff on here to report (Twitter)

Andy Edge - the linked tweet and anything else on his vile page (Twitter)

Carl Benjamin - This is his latest attempt to keep a Twitter account

Say No to Islamic Extremism -  A hate group on Facebook (closed to public but still reportable)

Brits against Islam - Some nasty stuff on here (Facebook)

Also, if you use Iphone or Ipad to access Telegram here is a link to reporting abusive content. Well worth reporting Tommy Robinson

The far right seem to think Telegram is entirely uncensored but we've already seen some problem accounts removed from the platform.

Thanks for all your help and a reminder to our friends in Blackpool - get those strawberry milkshakes ready tomorrow!!





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