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Hi Everybody

Hiya Resisting Haters,

As we communicated last week, we are now moving to a weekly email with all the current haters. If we get anything really urgent we can always follow up with an adhoc email as needed. We're doing this because we have had a lot of feedback that this will help you manage your reporting better.

Good news today that Infowars has been banned from Facebook, You Tube and Spotify. This wasn't a RH victory but it does go to show that nobody is too big to fall and it is always worth reporting hate whenever you see it.

Here are this week's haters for reporting.



Please report this one for homophobia - this is the profile

Please report for hate speech. Known hater Christian Bell - this is the profile

Please report for hate speech. Known hater Anne Marie Waters - this is the profile, plenty to report on there

Please report for hate speech. This is the profile

Please report for harassment. This is the profile

Please report for hate speech - Known white supremacist profile tweeting Antisemitism

Please report for threats of violence. Nasty Islamophobic profile

Any questions can be sent to and please let us know if you would like to join any of our Twitter dm groups. You can reply directly to this email.
Join in with us on Facebook.

Text/WhatsApp: 07482559129

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