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Hi Everybody

Hiya Resisting Haters,

To make things a bit more manageable we are going to send all the week's haters out in one email a week now which will come out usually on a Monday.

Any additional and adhoc haters we will send out as and when but you will all get one primary email a week which will be the basis of the week's reporting.

Hope this helps keep your inboxes straightforward and helps you to plan your reporting when is good for you. Remember that when you report it is worth finding another four hate tweets and reporting the fulll five. Our haters are all repeat offenders, we don't highlight ordinary people who have just put an occasional nasty tweet out, These are all relentless trolls with plenty of nasties on their timelines to flag up.

Here are the rest of this week's haters

Hater 1 Here is their profile

Hater 2 here is their profile

Hater 3 Here is their profile

Hater 4 Here is their profile

Hater 5  This one is a particular prat - report him for harassment please



Any questions can be sent to and please let us know if you would like to join any of our Twitter dm groups. You can reply directly to this email.
Join in with us on Facebook.

Text/WhatsApp: 07482559129

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